ICIR 2023

The 5th International Conference and Consolidation on Indigenous Religions
“Democracy of the Vulnerable”
22 – 24 November 2023; PUI Javanologi UNS, Solo, Central Java, Indonesia
How do vulnerable groups talk about democracy? The buildup to the 2024 Indonesian election has shown how discourses and spaces of democracy are dominated by narratives focusing on electoral democracy supporting the interests of political and economic elites. Although electoral democracy is called “the party of the people”, in reality, it is dominated by ceremonial aspects and the politics of conflicting identities. As a consequence, it reproduces social polarizations, and so in turn makes democracy vulnerable. In practice, electoral democracy reproduces discourses of excluded minorities, and it strengthens the marginalization of vulnerable groups.
Addressing these challenges, ICIR will host the 5th International Conference and Consolidation on Indigenous Religions at the University of 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang. The theme of the conference is “Democracy of the Vulnerable”. Drawing on previous themes, the 5th ICIR continues to critically examine ideas and practices of democracy, by focusing on the voices of vulnerable groups whose citizenship rights, interests, and aspirations are rarely addressed. It aims to open spaces for followers of indigenous religions, indigenous communities, groups of religious and gender minorities, disability groups, and children and young people to amplify their ideas, insights and experience on democracy.
The 5th ICIR invites scholars, academics, intellectuals, researchers, practitioners, and, more specifically, members of communities to scrutinize democracy and its vulnerabilities from the perspective of the vulnerable. It emphasizes the lived struggles of vulnerable citizens in civic life.
- The 5th International Conference ICIR “Rumah Bersama” Plenary Session 1
- The 5th ICIR “Democracy of the Vulnerable” Performance Night Day 1
- The 5th International Conference ICIR “Democracy of the Vulnerable” Plenary Session 2 & 3
- The 5th ICIR “Democracy of the Vulnerable” Performance Night Day 2
- Online Panel 1 “Political Mobilization of Women Voices”
- Online Panel 2 “Indigenizing Democracy and Human Rights”
- Online Panel 3 “Democracy for the Margins”
- Online Panel 4 “Democracy and Grass-root Peacebuilding”
- Solopos – ICIR Ke-5 Angkat Tema Democracy of the Vulnerable Jelang Pemilu 2024 – Seminar ICIR Soroti KUHP yang Batasi Ruang Bicara Kelompok Rentan
- Inibaru.id – Konferensi ICIR ke-5: Dorong Pengakuan Hukum Adat di Indonesia – Hari Kedua ICIR 5; Kebebasan Berekspresi dan Beragama di Ujung Tanduk!
- Trenasia – ICIR Gelar Konferensi Internasional Ke-5 di Solo, Bahas Demokrasi dan KUHP Baru – Isu Penghayat Kepercayaan Belum Diberi Ruang dalam Kontestasi Pilpres
- Serat.id – Jelang Pemilu 2024, ICIR Rumah Bersama Gelar Konferensi Internasional Ke-5 di PUI Javanologi UNS
- Sijori.id – ICIR Gelar Konferensi Internasional Ke-5 di Solo
- Suarakarya.id – Jelang Pemilu, ICIR Gelar Konferensi Pentingnya Demokrasi untuk Kelompok Rentan
- Koran-gala.id – Menjelang Pemilu Masyarakat Rentan Harus Terjaga dari Tindak Sewenang-wenang
- Idntimes – Jelang Pemilu, ICIR Rumah Bersama Gelar Konferensi Internasional Ke-5
- Halojatim.com – Capres Minim Bahas Isu Penghayat Kepercayaan
- Wongkito.co – Kontestasi Pilpres belum Beri Ruang Bagi Isu Penghayat Kepercayaan
- Poskita.co – Jelang Pemilu 2024, ICIR Gelar Konferensi Internasional Ke-5 di PUI Javanologi UNS Solo
- Kbr.id – Akademisi Kritik Belum Ada Capres-cawapres Angkat Isu Penghayat dan Aliran Kepercayaan
- Inews – Momentum Pemilu, Konferensi ICIR di Solo Bahas Pentingnya Menjaga Demokrasi
- Antara – Dosen UNS soroti konflik Palestina melalui pementasan Wayang Godhong
- Okezone – Wayang Godhong Guru Besar UNS Tampil dalam The 5th ICIR 2023
- UNS – Wayang Godhong Guru Besar UNS Tampil dalam The 5th ICIR 2023
- Magdalene – Konferensi Internasional ICIR 2023: Suara Masyarakat Adat Tidak untuk Dijual