ICIR 2024

The 6th International Conference on Indigenous Religions (ICIR 6)
“Performing Democracy”
22-25 October 2024; IAKN Ambon
The 2024 election marked one quarter century of Indonesian democratic Reformation. However, the
implementation of the 2024 democratic election forces us to again raise basic questions: what is
democracy, its essence, and its purpose; and can it function in a way that achieves its ideals?
ICIR 6 invites to go beyond the electoral processes of 2024, let alone their results. We invite scholars, researchers, practitioners, CSO activists, and community members to share cosmic and everyday ideas and practices of democracy. These ideas and practices are performed in multiple ways, individually or collectively, socio-politically or religious-culturally, artistically or directly, and so forth; and they address various issues which may include (inter)religious dialogue, conflict and peace, visual and performing arts, human dignity and rights, climate change and ecological justice, traditional and creative economies, indigenous and modernized education and health, and so forth. Performed cosmic and everyday ideas by the people, especially the vulnerable, are worth being counted, not as the target of, but as the basis for democratic/citizenship engagement. ICIR 6 envisions engaged knowledges and wisdoms for effective and sustainable citizenship engagement, especially for the vulnerable.
- Potretmaluku.id – Mengusung Demokrasi Keseharian Warga Rentan dari Maluku
- Tribun Ambon – ICIR ke-6 di Ambon, Usung Isu Demokrasi Keseharian Warga Rentan
- Titastory.id – ICIR Ke-6 Digelar di Ambon
- Sejuk – Mengusung Demokrasi Keseharian Warga Rentan dari Maluku
- Ambon Terkini – ICIR ke-6 Dihelat di Ambon, Mengusung Demokrasi Keseharian Warga Rentan dari Maluku
- Malukunews.co – ICIR ke-6 di Ambon, Mengusung Demokrasi Keseharian Warga Rentan dari Maluku
- Kabar Cirebon – Rentannya Dipolitisasi Agama-Minoritas di Pilkada 2024: Ini yang Akan Dilakukan Steering Committee ICIR
- Ambonkita.com – Identitas Masih Sangat Rentan Dipolitisasi pada Pilkada Serentak
- Suara.com – Kumpulkan Kelompok Minor usai Pemilu, ICIR ke-6 Bakal Usung Tema Performing Democracy
- Arikamedia.id – ICIR Ke-6 Digelar di Ambon, Mengusung Tema “Performing Democracy”
- Mediacenter.malukuprov.go.id – Buka ICIR 6, Sadali: Perluas Pengetahuan & Berpartisipasi dalam Berbagai Kegiatan Demokrasi Keseharian
- Maluku.kemenag.go.id – The 6th International Conference and Consolidation on Indigenous Religion di IAKN Ambon Ketua Pengawas PAK Hadir Mewakili Kepala Kemenag Ambon
- Setda.malukuprov.go.id – PJ Gubernur Maluku BukaICIR 6 di Kota Ambon
- Estungkara – 6th ICIR: Building Democracy in Indigenous Communities Through Film
- Koalisi Advokasi KBB Indonesia – ICIR ke-6 di Ambon, Ubah Stigma Buruk Terhadap Masyarakat Adat
- Optimisme Media – Dari Hak Perempuan hingga Demokrasi Digital: Beragam Topik Hangat di ICIR 6 Ambon
- IAKN Ambon – Masyarakat Adat, Pemimpin Agama, Akademisi, dan Media Bersama-sama Mengatasi Perubahan Iklim dalam ICIR 6 di Maluku
- Globalmaluku.id – Pj Gubernur Secara Resmi Membuka ICIR 6, Ini Harapannya
- ANTARA – Pemprov Maluku Harap Konferensi ICIR Kuatkan Toleransi Beragama
- Mongabay – Kala Kalangan Agamawan Bicara soal Penyingkiran Masyarakat Adat dan Lingkungan