Plenary Session 3 – The 4th ICIR 2022

The third session of the plenary carried the theme “Cultural Advancement for Inclusive Democracy”. Culture is the daily expression of society which includes the struggle of political, economic, artistic, religious, and spiritual dimensions. It appears in its traditional form, local to contemporary and global. Some of them seem to be extinct, while others continue to develop to form a civilization, becoming a legacy and source of identity formulation and affirmation.
Indonesia is known and recognized for its rich cultural heritage. Indonesian culture has transformed across history, grappling between locality and globalization, including interacting with each other with a variety of great ideas from world civilization. As part of global civilization, Indonesian culture is required to continue to transform in order to assert identity on the one hand and contribute to the advancement of world civilization on the other.
In that context, the Law on the Advancement of Culture finds its significance. The state plays a role in the promotion of culture through a strategy that includes protection, development, utilization, and fostering. Since its promulgation, the Promotion of Culture has been implemented in a variety of programs, which reach a wide range of layers of society.
Cultural community organizing to lively cultural festivals is carried out in various places. Among the important points of advancing culture is, as required, facilitating citizen participation, as the subject of culture itself. Promotion of Culture, therefore, deserves to be considered as an instrument as well as a goal for the development of inclusive democracy, as the focus of this conference. As an instrument, the advancement of culture requires full community involvement. As a goal, among others, it is oriented towards creating the character of an inclusive Indonesian society.
- Semiarto Aji Purwanto (Universitas Indonesia)
- Ihsan Ali-Fauzi (PUSAD Paramadina)
- Yekti Maunati (Pusat Penelitian Kewilayahan, BRIN)
- Hilmar Farid (Dirjen Kebudayaan, Kemendikbudristek RI)